Stephanie’s course in October is cancelled and programmed for later times, there will be a course on scoliosis instead, information will be soon online.
Stéphanie Quirk Therapeutics Workshops. Next session : 3rd 6th October 2020 : The energetic embodiment 2 – metabolism, absorbtion, elimination and vital heat – this workshop is working much more closely with problems that the teacher commonly encounters such as diabetes, disturbances in digestion, absorbtion, and elimination.
The Yoga Iyengar Center in Marseille, France, is glad to invite Iyengar teacher Stephanie Quirk for a series of eight workshops about Yoga Therapeutics. These 4-days training courses will give participants a deeper understanding of the effects of each asanas on a healing process. Workshops are open to certified teachers from Base 2 level. Only modules 7 & 8 required a level of Jnr Int 2 or above. Classes are held in english.
Subjects of the Workshops
Each workshop is an individual module. Prior attendance to previous modules is not required.
List of subjects :
- The Karmendriyas 1 – Feet, Knees and Hips
- The Karmendriyas 2 – Arms, Shoulders and the Upper Spine
- The Core, the spine – Lower back
- The energetic embodiment 1 – the work of bring “Life”, health of the vital organic body.
- The energetic embodiment 2 – metabolism, absorbtion, elimination and vital heat – this workshop is working much more closely with problems that the teacher commonly encounters such as diabetes, disturbances in digestion, absorbtion, and elimination.
- The energetic embodiment 3 – The role of apana vayu. Known in its role to throw the wastes out of the body, but is also responsible for the holding.
- Acquiring the state of calm neutrality: learning to tune for balance – how to work with students who are struggling with systemic imbalances – the state of inner-pervading tension, Balances of the endcocrine and of the nervous systems ***
- Listening – Seeing – Realising : the senses of perception and the Overseer of them, the mind ***
Participation fee
380 € the four days sessions.
Partial participation
One day, Saturday : 105 €
Two days, Saturday and Sunday : 210 €
Three days, Saturday, Sunday and Monday : 315 €
( Please note that partial participation will only be possible following this planning )
- Day 1 – Introduction of the topic.
- Day 2 – The practice and aspects of observation.
- Day 3 – Adjustments and adaptations of asanas.
- Day 4 – Therapy application.
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 -13.00 and 15.00 – 17.30
Monday : 09.30 – 12.30 and 14.30 – 17.00
Tuesday 09.00 – 11.30 and 13.30 – 16.00
Please fill and send back the Registration form.
The place
The Yoga Iyengar Center in Marseille (France)
19, place Sébastopol 13004 Marseille – Tel. : 04 91 34 15 25